Hematite Grounding | Sensory Necklace


The gentle weight of these Hematite beaded necklaces makes them comforting to wear, for all genders. They also function as elegant, sensory-friendly jewellery for fidget & stimming. We plan ahead for high intensity or high energy situations such as spending time in large groups or crowds, with demanding people, shopping, being in offices, or even Crystal Fairs, by making sure we have one or two of these available for ourselves, or someone else in need. Grounding, balancing, and solid, this is an excellent wearable tool for regulating, off-loading excess energy, and stabilizing.

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SENSORY PROFILE: Slightly weighted in a comforting way. Smooth, round, polished beads with a cool, glassy feel. Excellent for rubbing or spinning between the fingers. Entire necklace can be taken off & ‘snaked’ through fingers. Can also be wound around and worn as a bracelet.

HEMATITE MEANING: Hematite is powerfully connected with earth energies, and is an excellent stone to work with for grounding, or if you find yourself struggling to be present. It's a calming, balancing stone that has a strengthening effect on the entire system. Hematite can be called upon to support you dispelling negativity, eliminating drama, and manifesting abundance.

This necklace is made with Hematite Beads

Approximate Wearable Length: 17” / 0.118kg

NOTE: Price quoted is for one (1) piece. Each piece is part of a hand-picked collection of similar pieces. When you purchase this item we will mindfully and intuitively select a piece from this collection that is most energetically aligned for you.

Sodalite Crystal Heart Pendant I
Druse Carnelian Agate on Silky-Bead Necklace
Faerie Forest Vintage Necklace
Sodalite Crystal Heart Pendant III
Baroque Necklace & Pendant with Metal & Glass