Rose Quartz Healing | Massage | Sensory Wand

Only 1 available

The gentle weight of this Rose Quartz Massage Wand makes it comforting to hold and easy to work with. It also functions as a beautiful sensory-friendly tool for fidget & stimming.

Working with a massage | sensory tool is fantastic for relaxation, rebalancing and encouraging homeostasis in the body. This Rose Quartz Wand is included with rainbows and eye catching sparkle, yet has a soft, nurturing energy. A perfect healing stone to use for moving energy along meridians and also for deeper massage. This is an excellent neurodivergent-friendly tool for regulating, off-loading excess energy, and stabilizing.

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SENSORY PROFILE: Smooth rounded edges. Cool, glassy feel. Gentle weight that is comforting to hold. Excellent for rolling between the palms and along the skin / larger muscles. Great for applying pressure to targeted areas.

ROSE QUARTZ MEANING: Rose Quartz is a stone of the heart. Its action is powerful, yet gentle, as it balances the emotions, connects us to self-love, and encourages compassion. One of the key notes of Rose Quartz is that of forgiveness - where it affects us quite deeply. It does this by encouraging an understanding of forgiveness  that goes beyond the perspective of simply forgiving a wrongdoing. ⁠Rose Quartz teaches us to forgive by way of developing deep compassion, understanding, and truly unconditional love for ourselves, and others. It teaches us to love ourselves entirely - to embrace both our light, and our shadows. As we gain this deeper understanding, and learn to love ourselves as we are, we develop a greater understanding of the shadows in others, and forgiveness becomes almost second nature. Because Rose Quartz helps us to love ourselves completely, it quiets much of the internal chaos and noise that can interfere with our ability to be at ease in the world. This is one of many reasons Rose Quartz is often associated with love, friendship, connection, nurturing, and peace. 

Locale: Madagascar

Approximate Size: 4” x 1” / 0.114Kg

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