Shungite Gua Sha Massage | Sensory Tool

Only 3 available

The gentle weight of these Shungite Gua Sha massage | sensory tools makes them comforting and easy to work with. They also function as beautiful sensory-friendly tools for fidget & stimming.

Working with a Shungite Gua Sha massage | sensory tool is fantastic for relaxation, rebalancing and encouraging homeostasis in the body. It’s the perfect energy equalizing stone. A must have in your crystal & self care tool kit.

We plan ahead for high intensity or high energy situations such as spending time in large groups or crowds, with demanding people, shopping, being in offices, or even Crystal Fairs, by making sure we have one or two of these available for ourselves, or someone else in need. These are excellent neurodivergent-friendly tools for regulating, off-loading excess energy, and stabilizing.

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SENSORY PROFILE: Smooth, matte finish that feels a little bit like super fine sand. Cool to the touch. Warms with handling. Nice to hold, rub, flip and spin. Fantastic for pressure application in targeted areas.

SHUNGITE MEANING: The principle action of Shungite is to return everything it comes into contact with, back to its original state of perfection. It is said that Shungite absorbs and eliminates everything that imposes a hazard to life, and concentrates and restores all that is beneficial. Shungite is the only mineral so far known to contain Fullerines, and one of very few substances on earth that naturally contain Fullerines at all.  This makes it one of the most powerful, fast-working & longest-lasting antioxidants around, and one that has caught the attention of more than a few scientists & medical professionals. It also excels at absorbing, transforming & mitigating the effects of EMFs, so it is an excellent stone to have on-hand in daily life. Shungite is at once grounding and vitality boosting, and helps us to balance and expand our auric field. It is renowned for its ability to support us in purification, protection, detoxification. Placing Shungite in your environment, and/or wearing or carrying it can go a long way toward balancing your energy, relieving stress, and helping you feel, simply, better.

Approximate Size: 3.25” x 2.25” x 0.25” / 0.047Kg

NOTE: Price quoted is for one (1) piece. Each piece is part of a hand-picked collection of similar pieces. When you purchase this item we will mindfully and intuitively select a piece from this collection that is most energetically aligned for you.

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